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For the anxious honey that gets stuck in the the OVERTHINKING SPIRAL of 'are they losing interest?' or 'are they leaving me?' or 'did I do something wrong?' when they don't get that GOODMORNING message or when something else happens in your relationship & wants to overcome this spiral to STOP SABOTAGING relationships.

This masterclass is going to teach you...


  • Why you get overcome with anxious thoughts in your relationships


  • The mindset shifts you need to break this pattern of overthinking


  • Practical methods to take CONTROL of them & stop obsessing & sabotaging relationships

available for just £22/$27
inside the secure in love monthly membership

Introducing the secure in love
monthly membership

I have designed this membership to give you access to expert guidance, a cheerleading squad of support at your fingertips & the place for you to feel like you belong


The expansion & support you will get will be like no other, that I promise you!


The most supportive & safe space on the internet, all for you!

What's in the membership?

Monthly LIVE Q&A calL with candice

Ask for guidance on anything you need, if you don't want to participate on the call that's fine, you can still submit your question & have it answered.

Monthly masterclasses

Each month we will have a different relevant topic to support you on your joruney to feeling secure.​

A supportive private community

A community of like-minded souls via facebook ready to support you

Tools for self-soothing & healing

  • Nervous system hacks to soothe your anxiety

  • Weekly journal prompts specific for anxious attachment

  • 30 days to loving you challenge + more

Exclusive access & discounts

To masterclasses, trainings & events with Candice 

WORTH £33/$39 ALONE!!!



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All for Less than half the price of a cup of coffee a day..

Use code MASTERCLASS at checkout to get this masterclass & first month in the membership for just £22/$27

  • Membership

    Every month
Around $39 dollars

This is an on-going monthly membership that you can cancel anytime. You will be billed the regular price of £33 after the first month.

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