a 3month supportive & expansive container to guide you to feeling secure in you & your relationships
Ready to have the secure & loving relationships you deserve without anxiety?
Just imagine...
Picking healthy, loving & emotionally available partners that can meet your needs, make you feel safe & can give you that happy ever after that you have been dreaming of
Feeling so self-assured that you no longer have to ask your partner constantly to reassure you & tell you they love you 100x a day to soothe your anxiety
Able to focus on other areas of your life rather than watching your phone waiting for their text & overthinking every interaction wondering if they are losing interest & will leave you
Feeling safe within yourself as you have deep self-trust, able to be yourself, validate you, put your needs first & input boundaries without guilt
No longer feeling ‘needy’ as you fill up your own cup & make you happy so you can just enjoy what the other person has to give without expectations & pressure
Being able to communicate your needs… wait no, first, knowing what your needs are & then being able to communicate your needs without it turning into a conflict...no more walking on eggshells
Self-soothing your anxiety & working through your own triggers without pushing them away with self-sabotaging behaviour

Right now you are..
You are an overachiever, that has worked so hard to achieve so much but doesn’t feel like you're enough, often seen as the 'strong' one by others, your self-critical, put everyone first before you & you change yourself to please others
You attract partners that are emotionally unavailable & unable to meet your needs, perhaps things are good at first but then they pull away when you get close. You get very anxious when they pull away, chasing after them, asking them what you did & working harder for their attention
You over-attach very quickly to new partners, ignoring red flags as they make you feel good and giving them all your attention as you think they are the ONE, without them having to prove anything
You are unsure of what your needs are or how to make you happy so you are putting that pressure on the other person, perhaps they say you are too 'needy' or 'clingy'
You overthink every interaction looking for signs their losing interest or leaving you.You're attached to your phone waiting for them to message on high alert. You need constant reassurance or nitpick fights to get it.
You’re unable to process your emotions & triggers, perhaps having emotional convo’s or sending long texts about how you feel without clearly communicating what you need from them so they are just confused
You feel rejected when they are unavailable or online not messaging you, you expect them to spend all their time & focus on you. You have given up your interests to be with them & keep yourself very available for them, even cancelling plans with friends.
You put up with shitty behaviour that doesn’t make you feel good but you aren’t able to communicate clear boundaries & stick to them. You struggle to walk away even when you know you should, infact, begging them to stay

Emma's story...
Before Emma came to me, she was single & anxious in her relationships. She was attracting emotionally unavailable partners & working hard to impress them. She over-attached early to new partners & people pleased
Whilst working together, we worked on healing the root cause of her anxiety, building self-trust, learning to meet her needs & setting boundaries without guilt.
I encouraged her to date to practice not over-attaching which she did successfully, we worked on breaking her patterns of picking partners that couldn't meet her needs & then she met a healthy partner that was emotionally available.

She continued to keep meeting her needs throughout the relationship, keeping her identity & being herself. When she experienced anxiety/triggers, she was able to work through them without sabotaging the relationship & was also able to communicate her needs clearly without conflict because she had found safety in herself.
You can listen to more about this directly from Emma, on my Podcast F*CK Trauma

UPDATE: Emma is now in a healthy relationship yay!
Hey, i'm candice
A Trauma & mindset coach, dedicated to guiding you to having healthy relationships with yourself & others.
I specialise in attachment trauma, anxious attachment style in particular.
Why? because I was anxiously attached too.
I had a deep fear of abandonment from childhood & even though I knew I had experienced a lot of trauma as a child, I had no idea about attachment styles.
It's wild how little information & support is out there on them, you could be in therapy for years & they wouldn't even mention them. Yet, they are literally the exact reason we struggle to have healthy relationships with ourselves & others.

For years, I stayed in toxic relationships, clinging hold of them because I now know, my abandonment wound was so triggered. I attracted partners that couldn't meet my needs, but I begged, pleaded & worked hard to try to make it work. Losing myself at the same time. I sabotaged relationships with needy behaviour, putting all my focus on them as I had no idea how to make me happy. I had no idea what a boundary was so kept myself super available & that meant also putting up with shitty behaviour. I was riddled with anxiety & anxious thoughts, overthinking every interaction, waiting by my phone for their text & needing constant reassurance.
Honestly, I thought I was crazy!!
This was all before I knew it was coming from my trauma & abandonment wound. Once I knew I was anxiously attached, I was able to work on healing my abandonment wound, changing my patterns & reprogramming my mind & nervous system to receive healthy love without anxiety.
I built my self-trust & now I'm a secure attachment style, able to have healthy attachments that make me feel safe & good. And better yet, I make myself feel safe, I honour my needs first & I no longer accept anything that doesn't bring me value as I now know my worth.
And best of all, I get to guide my clients to finding safety in themselves so that they can have the healthy, loving relationships they deserve. I get long lasting transformational results for my clients because I am in your head with you as I have literally been there, I know exactly how you feel & I also know the path to get you out.
I use my signature method that I used to heal myself & have now used on hundreds of clients in this mastermind.

This is for you if...
You know you have an anxious attachment style /abandonment wound & are ready to work on healing it so that you can have the healthy, loving relationships you deserve
You are single & would like to find a partner but you attract partners that can't meet your needs & treat you how you deserve. You over-attach early, ignore red flags but put all your eggs in their basket, get very preoccupied with them easily without much effort on their part, only for them to pull away leaving you anxious, wondering what you did.
You are in a relationship but know you are sabotaging it with your anxiety, feeling needy & overthinking every interaction, putting pressure on your partner, suppressing your needs to please them & unable to communicate assertively without it turning into a conflict
Ready to have the safe, loving relationships that you deserve?

introducing the
secure mastermind
A 3 month supportive & expansive container to guide you to feeling secure in you & your relationships.
A mastermind is a beautiful hybrid between 1:1 & group coaching. It is the most supportive way to evolve on your path to feeling secure in yourself & in your relationships with 1:1 personal, tailored coaching with Candice in a safe, supportive container and your very own cheerleading squad every step of the way.
When one of you gets coached, you all get coached. It’s a place of sharing & expansion. You’ll learn more about yourself + your relationships than any other way.
On each group call, you will get the opportunity to have personal tailored 1:1 coaching.
Not only that, but you get direct access to me through group voxer, AND 1 exclusive, 1:1 call with me per 3 months
AND.. you will have access to my signature program ANXIOUS TO SECURE IN LOVE for you to complete at your own pace as well as other trainings to shape your experience & growth.
My prices for 1:1 coaching start a lot higher, so this is absolutely the most affordable way to have my guidance on your healing journey to feeling secure in yourself & your relationships. This is a super safe, intimate container with no judgement at all, everyone is in the same position as you which will bring you so much comfort.
The secure mastermind kicks off Beg June 2024 for 3months of unbelievable support & expansion
what does the content cover?
over the time of the mastermind you
will get guidance on:
> Your dating/relationships
> Your relationship with self
> healing your inner wounds
> Your core needs & needs in relationships
> Boundaries in all of your relationships
> How to communicate your needs & boundaries
> Working through your triggers/anxiety
> Your identity, what makes you happy
and so much more...
This is your safe space for tailored guidance on your journey to feeling secure in yourself & in your relationshipS Using my signature tried & tested method that has guided hundreds of incredible clients to the secure love they deserve, and you do too.

inside the mastermind
with Candice per month
anytime in the 3months
> GROUP VOXER CHAT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS for daily voicenote/text support
my signature 10 module program including custom tools & techniques WORTH £1555
Our self-concept is our beliefs about ourselves that create our relationships & how we are treated in them. Often these beliefs are subconscious & created in childhood but impacting our current relationships. I honestly believe this is the missing piece to filling the voids as anxious attachment and embodying a secure attachment. This module has been tailored specifically for reprogramming anxious attachment beliefs subconsciously & consciously.
> Access to all my MASTERCLASSES (The Anxious + Avoidant Trap, Overcoming Overthinking, Needy No More, Who Are You Really? Money Mindset Makeover, Silencing the Inner Critic) & any other trainings released over the 3 months

Meet Ania
How Ania went from being anxiously attached to situation ships to finding her peace

I feel like I really gained myself back through this program, and am so incredibly glad I took the leap and signed up. It’s given me peace again.
"When I started the Anxious to Secure in Love group program I was on the heels of a major let down of a situation ship, reeling with anxiety, confused about where I had gone wrong, and with very little self compassion. I was easily swooned by empty words, and attention, and feeling like I would really take anything I could get for attention. From friends and love interests.
Now after the program, I feel so grounded in myself, who I am, and how normal my desires really are. I feel comfortable asking questions while getting to know someone without the anxiety or emotional charge, I don’t feel the need to explain myself or send long messages conveying my hurt or frustrations, and it feels soooo much easier to walk away from a situation that isn’t good for me. I also just feel more grounded in my day to day life, which has impacted how I make decisions overall. I don’t feel panicked or anxious like I was feeling a lot last year. I also don’t feel pushy about getting my needs met, I feel more comfortable communicating them, and asking if that’s something they can do. Instead of just leaving it alone and hoping for the best, I can ask and find out and decide what I will do with that information.
I really stumbled upon Candice's program and wasn’t sure what to expect, I was skeptical. I feel like I really gained myself back through it, and am so incredibly glad I took the leap and signed up. It’s given me peace again."
- Ania
The image is not an accurate photo of my client to protect my client's identity due to the sensitive nature of my work
My love, you have two options..
Continue going at it alone & try to break your patterns yourself over time with painful lessons, & in the meantime getting stuck in relationships that don't serve you or worse toxic, or sabotaging your relationships by pushing them away with your anxious behaviour
Try a tried & tested method that actually works to guide you to feeling more secure in yourself & your relationships in a short amount of time & giving you the tools to be able to manage your anxiety going forward so that you can have healthy & loving relationships & actually enjoy them!
Enrolling now for Begining JUne, LIVE calls take place on weDnesday's at 7pm UK time
3x group mastermind calls per month,
group voxer PLUS 1 x 1:1 call
Paid in Full
Around $2800
Payment Plans
3 months x £755pm
6 months x £385pm
12 months x £196pm
ALL of standard package plus PRIVATE 1:1 voxer access via voicenote/text support throughout the program
Paid in Full
Around $3200
Payment Plans
3 months x £866pm
6 months x £440pm
12 months x £223pm

I am now in a committed relationship with the person I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up marrying" - Andreea

What is the difference between coaching & therapy?Therapy is great for talking about your feelings, trauma events & processing your emotions but it doesn't give you the path or action steps to move past the trauma, to get you to where you want to be. Coaching is this gap, it is results driven & requires action. It is designed to get you from where you are to where you want to be. My coaching also addresses/heals the trauma & then moves you forward. A lot of my clients have been in therapy for years & haven't seen results, after just a few months working with me, they make changes in their lives/minds that they NEVER thought they would.
What's included with private coaching?> 3 x 1:1 60min sessions via video call with Candice per month > Unlimited private voxer voicenote/text support with Candice > Fieldwork & worksheets inbetween sessions > Tools & techniques for self-coaching
How will sessions take place?They are all online over video call on zoom
What if I'm in another country?No problem, I work with clients all around the world in different time zones so that isn't a problem, we will be able to find a time that suits.
Do you offer one session at a time?I don't, my coaching is based on getting you results and guides you through a tried & tested model which I can only guarantee results once followed for a certain amount of time.
I can't afford 1:1 coaching at the moment, is there an alternative?Yes, I created The Secure Mastermind which is a beautiful hybrid of 1:1 & group coaching at an affordable price. For more details click the button below:
What is voxer support?Voxer is a free app that allows you to voice note or text me directly outside of our sessions for any guidance that you may need or want to work through. This is your private access to me throughout our container for your maximum support & growth.
Not seen the answer to your question here.....No problem, book a free 15min call on the link above & I will answer any questions you have, alternatively contact me on hello@candicetamaracoaching.com