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My love...can you imagine it?

Having the freedom to live life on your terms, manage your day as you like, work the hours you want, from where you want & able to prioritise your wellbeing 


Scaling your business to new financial levels in an abundance mindset & full belief in your prices & the transformation you provide


Having unshakable self-belief, taking action is easy as you are no longer crippled with fear, self doubt, procrastination or perfectionism.


Attracting dream clients with ease, being in complete alignment in who you want to serve & how


Showing up authentically & unapologetically as yourself in your business, doing what feels right to you only, no longer fearing judgement


Able to move through energetic ceilings with complete confidence in you & your value


It's time to get out of your own way & build the business of your dreams..
I know exactly how you feel..
I experienced a lot of a trauma as a child & grew up in a very dysfunctional family (see 'about' page for more details) and as a result...

When I started my business, all of the unhealed trauma came into play.

Business can be the most confronting thing as it requires you to grow & step out of your comfort zone constantly.

All of those underlying fears & beliefs that are holding you back, come to the surface. 

Those fears & beliefs sound like: 
Can I really do this? am I good enough?
No one will want to hear what I have to say?
Will anyone buy what I'm offering?
Can I really make money from this?
What will people think?
I'm not ready, it's not perfect
What if I fail? 

This is all trauma.... and if unhealed, you will self-sabotage your business. 

I had to overcome it all & work through every energetic ceiling that came up with my own mindset coach, to create the business I have that works for me, is in complete alignment & I'm able to serve others how I want to. 

I know it's hard, and I see it a lot with new business owners so I created this programme to give you the mindset + energy support to move through fear & create the business & life you want, with unshakeable confidence, clarity & balance. 
I'm certified in:
Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLP (unblocking & reframing the mindset)
Trauma Informed (Impacts on the mind, body & sense of self)
Inner Child Healing
Life Coaching

I use a combination of tools & techniques to get you the best results:
Coaching / Inner Child Healing / NLP / Parts Work / Energy Work / EFT / Shadow Work

My programme is results driven to ensure you get the results you want

And, is designed to give you at least 3 years worth of healing in just 3 months!!

What Clients Say

"I’ve been communicating boundaries and saying no to clients…even when it felt uncomfortable! I honestly never thought I'd be able to do something like that so calmly. It feels so incredible to be able to communicate like this." - E.O
It's time to stop sabotaging your success, undervaluing you & overrgiving to compensate...
Right now, you are...

You know deep down you are great at what you do & know this is the path for you but you are struggling with imposter syndrome & being consistent. 


You want to scale your business and raise your prices but you aren’t confident in your offers and value so you are over-giving to compensate & showing up in a scarcity mindset, not believing people will buy what you are selling


You care so much for your clients, feeling responsible for their results and want them to do well but you are struggling to set boundaries, find a balance & prioritize your wellbeing


You don’t feel in exact alignment in your business with who & how you want to serve but are scared to move into alignment


You are ready to stop playing small & show up authentically but you are filled with fear at what others might say & how you will be judged


You know what you have to do but you are procrastinating as you don’t feel ready or ‘perfect’


You want to scale your business so that you have the freedom to live life on your terms but you feel you have to do everything yourself 

What Clients Say

"I’m coming into alignment with what I want to shift into with my business - I think I’ve known for a while, but gained so much clarity. I am remembering I can say no to whatever doesn’t align."
It's time to release the fear & KNOW that you are ENOUGH
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The ultimate 1:1 coaching container for Coaches, business owners & healers looking to scale their business with confidence, in full alignment & without burnout
Release the fears, beliefs, anxieties and self sabotaging patterns that have been holding you back from creating the business you desire in just a few months
Using my signature method
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What you will get...
1:1 coaching calls a month - amount of sessions depends on length of coaching, see below for details. 

30 minute introduction call - so we can get to know each other & make sure we are a great fit to work together & that this programme is for you

30 minute follow up call - after programme ends to ensure you have all the support you need 

Fieldwork & worksheets - in-between sessions to ensure you are on track to reach your goals

Daily voxer voicenote support yep, in-between sessions, you will have direct access to me to be coached on the go, anything comes up & you literally have a coach in your back pocket

Tools & techniques to self coach & self heal long after the programme ends
Programme Outline
Programme completely tailored and mapped out to your needs but an idea of what we can cover..

Get really clear on what the vision for your business is? What do you really want? How does it feel? What are you doing out of fear? What are you not doing because of fear? What's the gap to get you there? etc…


Getting clarity on who you want to serve & exactly how you want to serve them & where you are out of alignment.


Where is fear holding you back, clear those fears and move forward with confidence

What beliefs and stories are you holding that are holding you back from showing up in your business as your authentic self & scaling your business.


Where in your business are you over-giving out of fear & low confidence, what changes need to be made.


What are your fears around money…how is your fears holding you back from growing, raising your prices & showing up in a scarcity mindset

What boundaries need to be inputted to ensure your wellbeing & balanced lifestyle


Where can you empower your clients/team more & let go of any handholding without guilt


A plan of action to continue to scale the business with confidence & boundaries without burnout
What you will leave with...

Full clarity and alignment on who & how you want to serve


Understand if there are any trauma patterns you are building your business on & a path to remove them


Confidence and self belief in yourself & your offerings


Released the fear holding you back, fear of judgment, success, failure etc…


Setting boundaries without guilt & able to prioritize your wellbeing



Aligned business model to be able to scale without burnout


Confident in your prices/value & even raising them


Letting go of control & perfectionism, able to hire a team & scale further


Empowering your clients to be independent & self serving to get even better results


The tools & techniques to be able to work through procrastination

CEO, Your investment in YOU
& Your Business
6 weeks coaching
Paid in Full
5x 60min coaching calls + Voxer support
Payment Plans
3 months x £477pm
6 months x £246pm
9 months x £168pm
3 months coaching
Paid in Full
3x 60min pm coaching calls + Voxer support
Payment Plans
3 months x £940pm
6 months x £477pm
12 months x £242pm
6 months coaching
Paid in Full
3x 60min pm coaching calls + Voxer support
Payment Plans
3 months x £1866pm
6 months x £940pm
12months x £473pm
How Emma went from burnout & resentful in business to
balanced, abundant & aligned in business

You can have all the strategy in the world, but if your mindset isn't aligned to your business you will either progress.. and not enjoying it, or will keep doing around in circles!

What challenges were you experiencing before working with Candice?

I was struggling with people-pleasing. I had no real concept of boundaries and I was starting to feel resentful of a business that I knew deep down I loved. I didn't even realise why until we started working together. Candice showed me clearly where I was out of alignment and the actions I needed to take to resolve that.


What were some of the results that you experienced whilst/after working with Candice?

Confidently setting boundaries and not taking responsibility for how others reacted to them! Remembering that it's my business and I get to run it in a way that feels good to me... it's SO easy to forget that. Actually just doing less. Honouring rest and doing what makes me feel good. Separating clients experiences from my own and releasing the desire to "fix everything". It feels a lot more balanced now!


What does your business/business relationships look like today after working together?

I'm taking less responsibility for my clients and more for myself. I've set clear boundaries and I stick to them. I'm showing up less and honouring my needs as a priority. I'm in tune with what feels aligned and creating offerings that actually feel good for me.


How did you find working with Candice?

I LOVED how actionable working with Candice has been. After years of therapy, I found myself understanding my habits/thoughts/behaviours and not really knowing what to do about them. I couldn't believe how many changes I made in just 3 months of working with Candice. I know I made a lot of progress in therapy, but it never really felt like it. Working with Candice built my confidence so much because I could actually see how I was transforming my day-to-day life. Such a huge difference from start to finish... and definitely all things I can take through with me in life.


What would you say to someone that might be on the fence about getting a mindset coach for their business?

You can have all the strategy in the world, but if your mindset isn't aligned to your business you will either progress.. and not enjoying it, or will keep doing around in circles! DO IT.


- Emma

What Clients Say

"I launched my new programme with confidence & reached my goal. Actually enjoying the process & holding a masterclass feeling totally in flow."
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