Guiding you to love your authentic self
& harness your inner power so that
you can form happy lives & healthy relationships with less anxiety

Hey, I'm Candice
I'm so happy you are here, it's so great to connect with you.
My mission is to help people to heal & break free from past traumatic events, to master their mindsets & free themselves from low self-esteem, self-confidence, self-doubts, fear, people pleasing, codependency, anxiety & negative thinking & beliefs to empower them to live lives as their authentic self, happy and healthy with less anxiety & a whole lot of self worth, love & confidence.
I'm a firm believer that your past does not represent your future. I came from a traumatic childhood full of abuse, neglect, abandonment & addiction, all the cards was stacked against me (read 'about' page for more details) but I was determined I would not let it shape who I was.
With a lot of mistakes made & whole lot of learning, I worked hard every day to heal & overcome the mountain full of low self-esteem, low self worth, low self confidence, limiting beliefs, codependency, anxiety, no self love & negative thoughts that came with it.
I had to reset my mindset from 'Its not fair that this all happened to me' to 'It was really hard, but it built me & made me who I am today, a resilient, grateful & full of life woman, determined to empower others to free themselves too'.
I want to empower you to free yourself from whatever story or beliefs you are telling yourself & help you to reframe your minds so you can live a happy & fulfilled life on your terms & have healthy relationships that make you feel so loved.
And guess what, its all within your power as it all starts with YOU!
How I can help?
I'm a certified Trauma Informed, NLP (neuro-linguistics programming) Relationship & Mindset Coach
I’m also certified in Inner Child Healing, I use this & energy work for deep subconscious healing work.
With various techniques, deep healing, exercises, coaching, a whole lot of compassion & a dash of life experience..
I can help you to heal from the past, reframe your mindset, build your compassion & love for yourself & gain the confidence you need to communicate your needs & set boundaries with ease so that you can form happy & healthy relationships with less anxiety & live the life you want, on your terms.
I have combined all my learnings & experience over the past 20+ years on my healing & self love journey to create a programme that guides you through the path in just 3 months!!!
Yes that’s right! I said it was my mission! I literally don’t want you to suffer a second longer!
I sure wish I had a guide to show me the path, would have saved me a lot of painful years.
Life's too short & it's too damn painful to keep suffering, it's time to get everything you want & stop being held back!
If you are curious & want to learn more, book a free connective call. There is absolutely no obligation to work with me after, its great to connect & you have nothing to lose & everything to gain.