Helping Childhood Trauma /
Dysfunctional Home Heroes
Heal, Build Better Relationships with Themselves
Live Happy & Healthy Lives with Less Anxiety

"Master Your Mindset &
You Have Mastered Your Life"
Hey, I'm Candice
I'm so happy you are here, it's so great to meet you.
My mission is to help people to heal & break free from past traumatic events, to master their mindsets & free themselves from low self-esteem, self-confidence, self-doubts, fear, people pleasing, anxiety & negative thinking & beliefs to empower them to live lives as their authentic self, aligned with their soul & full of peace, positivity, high self worth, love & confidence.
I'm a firm believer that your past does not represent your future. I came from a traumatic childhood full of abuse, neglect, abandonment & addiction, all the cards was stacked against me (read my story for more details) but I was determined I would not let it shape who I was.
With a lot of mistakes made & whole lot of learning, I worked hard every day to heal & overcome the mountain full of low self-esteem, low self worth, low self confidence, limiting beliefs, anxiety, no self love & negative thoughts that came with it.
I had to reset my mindset from 'Its not fair that this all happened to me' to 'It was really hard, but it built me & made me who I am today, a resilient, grateful & full of life woman, determined to empower others to free themselves too'.
We are given our life lessons for a reason & the quicker we realise life is happening for us, not to us, we take back the power as it is all in our mindset. The power is within us to live the lives we want to, regardless of our past events, situation or environment.
I want to empower you to free yourself from whatever story or beliefs you are telling yourself & help you to reframe your minds so you can live a life full-filled, on your terms.
I'm a certified Trauma Informed, NLP (neuro-linguistics) Mindset Coach and with various techniques, exercises, coaching, a whole lot of compassion & a dash of life experience..
I can help you to master your mindset, find compassion for yourself instead of everyone else & gain the confidence you need to live life on your terms as we only have one life so it's time to stop living it for other people.
Trauma to me is any event that had an emotional impact on you & can range from abuse to bullying to a bad break up for example. It all counts & what we don't realise is, the damaging effects these events have on our self confidence, self esteem & self love & they shape our beliefs that determine our life decisions & feed into our fear, holding us back from living the life we want.
By recognising the situation that shaped us, we take its power away, we can begin to heal & reshape our mindsets to live freely, the life that we really want to with confidence.
I wish I had a guide to help me on my journey, it sure would have saved some years & pain, so I want to offer you this space & guidance to encourage you to find the answers within you to own your powers & life.
If this sounds at all like you & you are curious, book at free discovery call. There is absolutely no obligation to work with me after, its great to connect & you have nothing to lose & everything to gain.
You Got This Gorgeous x